On 6 – 12 months old, your baby usually growth and it will surprised you. The growth of her physically, intellectual, language and also emosional, social and her independence. To get their express ‘ evolution ‘, you need some healthcare jobs to stimulate their ability. And to get the maximal result you have to do these stimulation early. The biggest benefit of these stimulation will influence their kognitif and pre academic. But the most of all, the most important of these stimulation is your behaviour and involvement during you play with them. And here some healthcare job that will help you to stimulate your 6 – 12 months old.
- To stimulate their talking ability.Try to teach them calling ‘ mommy and daddy ‘, call her name or you mention some simple words repeatly. It also will stimulate their ability in listening, language, emotion and cognitif.
- To stimulate their low motoric and their stability on moving. Try to ask her sitting, crawling, standing and standing while holding something around her.
- To stimulate their soft motoric, visual coordination, cognitif and independent. Ask her to clap or wave her hands together with you or pointing something that far from her.
9 – 12 MONTHS OLD.
- To stimulate their talking ability.Stimulate their sight, listening, their language, cognitive and ability of their communication. You can mention the names of your family like mommy-daddy, sisters or brothers and also some other words that familiar with the baby.
- To stimulate their low motoric and their stability on moving.Like on 6 – 9 months old, you can ask your baby to walk while holding something around her, like chair or table. Just make sure that they do it safely.
- To stimulate their soft motoric, visual coordination, kognitif and independent.Ask her to put ball into box or pail and then ask her to take it back. Teach her to drink using the glass and directing something like ball to another one.
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