About the instant food, however the real banana taste is different with artificial banana taste like essence of banana. The original of green bean porridge with little bit of ginger and cinnamon powder is more delicious than instant green bean porridge. So why the baby who used to the instant food don’t like the home made food ? May be it’s caused the instant food more simple and some sweetener. But don’t give up, the good habitual need the patience, consistent and affection. The rection from your baby is not absolute. Offer it continuously but don’t push them.The first food that introduced to the baby after 6 months old is cereals and next several weeks you can give egg yolks. Egg white and fish can be given after 9 months old. At the first just give a little bit of it and make sure that there is no allergic reaction. The most baby needed is good fat from fish oil like mackerel, salmon and also oil from plants like sun flower and another.